Women Members

UNISON has almost one million women members – more than two thirds of our union.

Join our Women’s member’s group called a self-organised group and be a part of improving women’s rights in the workplace and the wider community. Women still earn a lot less than men and face sex discrimination and harassment at work.

Women’s issues

Women members are at the forefront of many of our most important campaigns. UNISON’s women members have successfully negotiated on issues such as domestic abuse, equal pay and maternity rights.

Getting involved in women’s issues
The national women’s conference is held every year in mid-February, and brings together around 650 women for a series of seminars, meetings, workshops, debates and guest speakers.

The topics debated are wide-ranging and have a massive impact on the direction of UNISON. They include:

  • women’s health;
  • women united against fascism;
  • surrogacy and IVF treatment;
  • the portrayal of women in the media.

Locally we are involved in updates of relevant policies, such as the current re-negotiation of the maternity policy. We also signpost to benefits such as welfare, school uniform grants and food banks.