LGBT Members

Information for members who identify as LGB or T (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgendered) in UNISON and what UNISON can do to help you.

This page will be updated with information about specific campaigns and advice on issues important to our group.

UNISON recognises the importance of its LGBT members and its responsibility for paying particular attention to our needs: that LGBT rights are trade union issues. UNISON’s commitment to equality and to tackling discrimination is written into the union’s rules. UNISON’s support for LGBT rights has not come out of thin air. It is the consequence of many years of work and lobbying by our activists. Members meet as a self-organised group at branch, regional and national level.

In UNISON, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender members work together to combat homophobia, biphobia and transphobia and build equality for us all. We believe we are stronger together. But we also recognise it’s important to make room for the distinctive voice of bisexual members and transgender members. These groups have reserved seats on the national committee, to ensure they are well represented, elected at annual national bi and trans network days.

  • If you feel isolated and want to feel part of something bigger – we need you.
  • If you want to make a difference locally, regionally or nationally – we need you
  • If you need help with work place issues around your sexuality , gender or wider equality issues – we need each other
  • If you want to become part of a local self-organised group- we need each other

Become part of something, and make a difference because together we are stronger.


LGBT "Out for the weekend" at Croyde Bay

Download HERE details of offer from our Croyde Bay holiday park