Black Members

Information for members who identify as Black in UNISON and what UNISON can do to help you.

This page will be updated with information about specific campaigns and advice on issues important to our group.

Black members in UNISON work together to win positive change in the workplace. The more of us that are actively involved the stronger we become. The stronger we are the more positive change we can achieve. Black members play a key role in winning equality in the workplace and:

  • actively challenge racism wherever it is found
  • are at the forefront of UNISON’s organising work
  • enjoy UNISON’s support at local, regional and national level.

Black Members Committee

The East Midlands Black Members Committee is a regular meeting for members to attend should they wish from around our region and so should any members from Lincolnshire be interested in attending these meetings please contact the Black members Officer to discuss travel arrangements/ possible car sharing and to get an overview of the meetings structure and role.